FATF Terminology:
AML/CFT: Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
CDD: Customer due diligence
CID: Directorate General of Criminal Investigation
CFT: Countering the financing of terrorism
CBB: Central Bank of Bahrain
DNFBP: Designated nonfinancial businesses and professions
FATF: Financial Action Task Force
FI: Financial institution
FIU: Financial intelligence unit
FSRB: FATF-style Regional Body
IO: Immediate Outcome
ML: Money laundering
MLA: Mutual legal assistance
MLRO: Money Laundering Reporting Officer MO Ministerial Order
MOI: Ministry of Interior
MOIC: Ministry of Industry and Commerce
MOJ: Ministry of Justice
MSA: Ministry of Social Affairs
NPO: Non-profit organization
NRA: National Risk Assessment
PEP: Politically exposed person
R.: Recommendation
RERA: Real Estate Regulatory Authority
STR: Suspicious transaction report
TF: Terrorist Financing
UN: United Nations
UNSCR: United Nations Security Council Resolution
VASP: Virtual Asset Service Provider